E.O.U.V. Events

Schubert Messe
Our Gottscheer Heimatchor and the STV Bavaria choir will sing the “Schubert Messe” at St. Stephen Catholic Church, 1930 W. 54th St., Cleveland, OH 44102 on Sunday, November 3 at 11:00am during the annual Gedächtnismesse (remembrance service) hosted by VIVA Bavaria.
The Gedächtnismesse is a Mass in the German language in thanksgiving and recognition of dearly departed family and friends. All are invited to attend and / or offer an intention. To commemorate a family member or friend, please follow the instructions on the request form. All names will be included in the Worship Program Booklet and on the Intentions Wreath. The first 100 names received will be read during the petitions. Net proceeds benefit the St. Stephen Church Maintenance Fund.

Gottscheer Heimatchor Sängerfest!
Please click the link below for more details. Thank you!

Haydn Messe at St. Stephen Catholic Church
Please click the link below for more details. Thank you!

Brunch Celebrating Mother’s Day
Please click the link below for more details. Thank you!